May all beings be free
from suffering and the
causes of suffering.
  Our Mission
    The Tibet Humanitarian Project supports projects to improve education, health and the environment in Kham, Tibet. THP works in partnership with communities to create an infrastructure for sustainable development.

  THP wins GlobalGiving Open Challenge Bonus for Most Unique Donors!
    THP has taken advantage of a wonderful opportunity through, a website that links donors with grassroots international projects.
June 13th is a Bonus Day at Global Giving; Gifts on this day go toward challenging for bonus awards for THP.
Through its success during the April 2012 Global Giving Open Challenge, THP has secured a spot on GlobalGiving.Org, and will be eligible to continue receiving donations from the general public, private and corporate foundations through and take advantage of GlobalGiving's fundraising tools and services.
Thanks to the generous donations of 242 unique donors, THP won the $2000 bonus for the project with the most donors, having the highest total out of 330 organizations.
The Tibet Water Project will continue to benefit from funds raised through, paying for the water delivery system and the construction of wash rooms for bathing.

You can participate in the following ways:
  • There is still a ways to go to meet our fund-raising goal: please donate at least $10 to the Tibet Water Project at the GlobalGiving.Org
  • Please get your friends and family to donate at least $10.
  • Please share on Facebook using the link on the GlobalGiving website.
    Please help in these easy ways. Together we can make it happen!  
THP Water Project  
This slide show presentation describes location and plans for the THP Water Project in Eastern Tibet.
Goddess of Skin is donating $1.08 for each skin product you purchase to THP. 
Please visit our sponsor,
Goddess of Skin.
The company is donating $1.08 for each skin product you purchase to THP.